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Epic Pen for Online Teaching

When it comes to web-based teaching boards, I have mostly heard names like Microsoft Whiteboard and Google Jamboard. However, I never kept those brand names in my universe as I wanted simple yet pow…
Epic Pen for Online Teaching

Group Activity for Teaching Collaboration Skills

This activity is designed to teach collaboration skills to youth aged 12 and older. This activity is an adapted form of IMYC entry-point activity for…
Group Activity for Teaching Collaboration Skills

Do's and Dont's of Educational Blogging

Educational blogging is the pursuit of responsible writing premised on topics that may be useful (mostly in the cognitive domain) for content consume…
Do's and Dont's of Educational Blogging

South American Pepino Growing on my Nepali Garden

From South America, perhaps not straight to Nepal; this wonder herb has failed to win my heart (I am saying this with 50 percent honesty with the wor…
South American Pepino Growing on my Nepali Garden

Nature Activities for Kids

Nature activities help kids to connect with nature. They will embrace all the tangibles and intangibles that nature can offer to them. While they do nature activities they spend quality time with peo…
Nature Activities for Kids

Nepali Kade Dhaniya (Culantro)

Nepali Kade Dhaniya (Kaade Dhaniya, Ban Dhaniya, Burmeli Dhaniya) is not Nepali by origin. It is said to have spread throughout the world from the Americas and the Caribbean. One of my neighbors gi…
Nepali Kade Dhaniya (Culantro)