Recently, I regained my old domain name which was lost long ago due to some reasons. Thanks to my domain registrars; they returned my old domain, responding to just an email. Between this and that, and even before and after, I have been juggling along with the learning curve of digital skills, school teaching, the wider phenomena- education, development, globalization, and what else?
Digital Skills from the First School PC
Let me first come to my digital skills and writing journey here. I touched the computer for the first time when I was 12. The prominent things at that time were MS-DOS, Windows, Word Perfect, Batch Programming, perhaps LOGO programming (faint memories on this), and games like Prince of Persia (You know 90s kid! 😂). Gradually, my digital skills evolved along with high school and higher education. Specifically for Blogs/Websites, the skills revolved around WordPress, Jekyll, Hugo, HTML, DHTML, CSS, and a few other stuff on designing, content production, and publishing.
Writing, on the other hand, has been somehow consistent at my side. I remember a fictional story that I wrote in Nepali, on paper. One of my best friends from high school said that he really liked the plot and the association of the protagonist with nature and his virtual relationships. Unfortunately, I lost those pages while I moved my room.
It was during my undergraduate studies and later life, that I became more immersed in reading, writing, and mostly contemplating- world issues of environment, society, and education (of course). I believe that writing blogs on issues that have significance and meaning in the lives of humankind should be one of the key actions that people can take.
I also realized that time has taken internet technology to the next level while I had been somehow happy with the basics.
To be specific, I am now equipped with skills in domain management, content writing and publishing, SEO, Content Management Systems (WordPress, Blogger, Joomla), GitHub Pages, and so on. Do I need to mention things like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Browsing, YouTube Channel, and Facebook Page?
Ohh! I nearly forgot to mention that I have been taught some digital skills (ICT Skills and Information Skills required for Master’s Degree students) at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), the Alma Mater that I am really proud of. I was in a great delusion that I was great enough in MS Word before I was challenged by the teacher to start the page number of the report from the 3rd page, after the Cover Page and TOC.
The teacher of DigiPedagogy really made me aware that juggling things on the internet is never a bad thing for our academic side, as long as we are progressing each day to the required extent as expected by our institutions. In fact, it may support enhancing our digital skills which would eventually support the growth of our academic sphere. 20 is the number of the domains that I kept for a while for blogging projects that never started or wasted before they reached maturity.
She also said that maintaining an e-portfolio can help in getting the aspired job. And yes, Finns apply for open jobs using the goddamn video portfolio where they are found saying- Hire me, or you will regret it! Don’t click to close the window if you find such a video quite boring, listen to the strongest accent of Nordic English; for you would like to judge the book just not by the cover but by its content.
I related this to myself. I have been a teacher of science, mostly environmental sciences, and health and physical education. I started my teaching career in the late 2000s and continued in Nepal till the mid-2010s before going to Europe for higher studies. I have always remained interested in global issues (environment and development), human geography, anthropological studies, and mostly the agenda of education for sustainability.
I had started writing blogs that would not have many readerships. I believe that the world has scores and scores of flesh-and-bone-headed individuals who are after petty things than the real ones. The algorithms of so-called social media have hijacked the minds of many.
However, when it comes to some unfinished business of mine, I believe that I am again ready to write, but this time starting to scale the gravity of my words from myself. I may write somehow an academic blog based on research on pedagogical human geography using the qualitative approach (Those who are familiar with place-based theories, count on me!).
Who knows? I never give up!
Saying so, I think out loud and question myself. Am I worthless with my limitations? If I can not drive, and I do not have a car, am I left behind in the race for something? What is the limit of learning skills? Or is the race itself worth trying? Why is the world going that way? Why are people running this way? Why is the algorithm of the internet so? Who will listen to my voice then? How can I make people listen to me? And, honestly, besides raising questions and trying to express my feelings, I do not currently have a clear answer for these. Maybe, I can write some fuzzy thoughts. Can’t I just write my feelings on paper and read for myself in my quiet time?
Aggh, I must stop myself from losing a grip here.

Let me come to the point now. So, why did I (re)start my personal blog here? Am I trying to make an e-portfolio here? Maybe the answer to these and the ones mentioned above can be found in my blogs. I created this free blog because I really wanted economic freedom while I live a minimalist life and do things around. Thanks to Mercantile Communications Pvt. Ltd. for registering my domain name for free. I tried everything ranging from Blogger, WordPress, Jekyll, and a combo of GitHub, HugoBlox Templates, and Netlify for hosting my (Static) Hugo-based blog.
- Webhost: Nest Web Host